Topic: United States/Nebraska - Omaha
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🔗 Nebraska Furniture Mart
🔗 United States
🔗 Companies
🔗 Retailing
🔗 Home Living
🔗 United States/Nebraska - Omaha
Nebraska Furniture Mart is the largest home furnishing store in North America selling furniture, flooring, appliances and electronics. NFM was founded in 1937 by Belarus-born Rose Blumkin, universally known as Mrs. B., in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. Under the motto "sell cheap and tell the truth," she worked in the business until age 103. In 1983, Mrs. B. sold a majority interest to Berkshire Hathaway in a handshake deal with Warren Buffett.
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- "Nebraska Furniture Mart" | 2019-09-21 | 170 Upvotes 72 Comments